Many mothers may develop guilt or conflict and not experience joy when their “ bundle of joy” is here. Further, as they compare their experiences with other mothers, it could be even more stressful for them to adjust to the latest addition in their life.
Some women with a career, now wearing a new hat of “ mother,” may have difficulty balancing their work and family life. Dr. Seif works well with groups and individuals to help make this stage for women more pleasant and manageable. She also guides women to regain control of their life, so they can fulfill their new and important position as a mother.

What Is Postpartum Depression?
Postpartum depression is a mood dysregulation that affects a woman after childbirth. Postpartum depression is caused by sudden hormonal changes in the woman’s body after giving birth. These changes subsequently lead to feelings of sadness, anxiety, guilt, and insecurity. Some women also experience feelings of shame, embarrassment, or incompetence as new mothers. Although some of the milder symptoms for a short amount of time are normal, significant mood symptoms and feeling them for an extended time needs immediate care from a physician.

What Are the Symptoms of Postpartum Depression?
A psychiatric assessment will be conducted by Dr. Seif before completing the diagnosis. While many new mothers feel sadness after giving birth, if the following symptoms persist for a long time, the mother might be experiencing postpartum depression:
- Anxiety
- Overwhelming feelings of sadness, guilt, and hopelessness
- Sleeping too much or too little
- Crying for no apparent reason
- Irregular eating habits
- Difficulty caring for and bonding with the baby
- Thoughts of self-harm or harming the baby

What Is the Treatment for Postpartum Depression?
Postpartum depression begins with a thorough evaluation of the patient, to assess her lifestyle, her environment, and the severity of the condition. Once a diagnosis is made, Dr. Seif then sets up a treatment plan to help the mother cope with depressive tendencies. The treatment plan is usually a combination of antidepressant medication and talk-through therapy. Dr. Seif also incorporates the patient’s family members in the treatment process so they have an understanding of the condition.